Authentication solutions for

Collaborating with governments around the globe, Authentix enables leaders to gain professional confidence through authentication solutions that sustain revenue growth and competitive advantage. We work with them to ensure authentic products are sold in-country to benefit law-abiding citizens – not criminals. Fuel authentication and tax stamp solutions enable governments to collect more excise taxes, without raising taxes, for the benefit of citizens and legitimate businesses.

When deploying an authentication program, several government ministries / departments are key stakeholders in the process of selecting the right technology and committing to the success of the program. As part of the process in developing requirements for the program, take care to include stakeholders with expertise that can provide solid, scientific guidance, which may rest in a different ministry or organization. An often overlooked group are those responsible for ensuring that the country is meeting its national and international commitments to protect the environment. When marking fuel, any program will involve the addition of some new material into the fuel supply chain. Countries that are signatories to international environmental treaties need to ensure that anything added to the fuel sold and combusted in their country is compliant with the terms of that treaty.

Our solutions

Postage Stamps

Since its first production of postage stamps in 1866, Royal Joh. Enschedé has become the leading producer and supplier of postage stamps to over 70 countries.

Passports & VISAs

Protecting their borders and their citizens’ identity is a critical component to governments around the world.

Royal-Joh-Enschede-tax stamps2
Election Paper

No matter what is being voted for, election papers should look high-quality and reliable. For more than thirty years, you as a municipality can count on us. Our dedicated team of specialists is at your service and will support you.

Permit Papers

Permit papers are official documents that grant permission for specific actions or activities that are regulated by authorities.


Thanks to our unique manufacturing processes, Koninklijke Joh. Enschedé is the leading supplier of high security certificates.

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